Reminder App

Get email and sms reminders for important tickets

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Preview image of app
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Detalhes do aplicativo

Funciona com
Total de instalações
Integrate Cloud
Preço (USD)

Os aplicativos são instalados diretamente em sua conta

O que as pessoas estão dizendo


3 análises
Andrew Barnard
over 1 year ago

Very useful addition to our Zendesk instance. Simple to use and does the job effectively. Unsure if SMS notifications are configurable outside the US.

Developer Photo
Response from developer
about 1 year ago

Yes its possible. SMS can be used for international numbers

Juan Manuel Giannini
over 1 year ago

Hi there! I'm trying to use it, but when I open a ticket and go to the Side Context Bar, the Reminder App shows a Loading message, and it stays like that forever... I'm not suer what I'm doing wrong...

almost 2 years ago

Great and useful app in ZD. Easy to use and works well!

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